Mass Mix-500

Mass Mix-500 10 ml
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Mass Mix-500 is an injectable steroid which contains:

Testosterone Enanthate - 125mg
Nandrolone Decanoate - 125mg
Trenbolone Enanthate - 125mg
Drostanolone Enanthate - 125mg

Testosterone Enanthate aromatizes very easily and therefore estrogen buildup and side effects can become an issue for users sensitive to these problems or those choosing to use a high dose of this compound.
Therefore, when using Testosterone Enanthate, bodybuilders often choose in incorporate an anti-estrogen such as Anastrozole, Proviron, Tamoxifen to help keep estrogen related side effects to a minimum. Extremely sensitive users, or users using very high doses (800-1200 mg) might find that stronger anti-estrogens such as Letrozole or Exemestane are more suitable. Androgenic side effects such as oily skin are also possible while taking Testosterone Enanthate.

Nandrolone Decanoate ester makes hormone release from injection sight very slow. Bodybuilders often find that an Nandrolone Decanoate injection schedule of twice per week is more than sufficient in keeping steady blood levels. Nandrolone Decanoate is a poor choice for tested athletes due to how long it lingers in the system.

Nandrolone Decanoate is one of the most popular steroids being used amongst bodybuilders today. Nandrolone Decanoate is a low androgenic steroid with high anabolic effect. It will aromatize in high dosages, but not at the rate of testosterone. Progesterone buildup is one side effect that some have trouble with. Users sensitive to these issues might choose to add Cabaser or Dostinex to their cycle.

Nandrolone Decanoate can be used for cutting or for bulking. Bodybuilders often stack it with Testosterone for one of the most common and effective bulking cycles.

Trenbolone Enanthate is the most powerful overall steroid in use by bodybuilders today. Trenbolone Enanthate is both highly androgenic and anabolic. It is chemically unable to aromatize, and therefore produces no estrogen buildup. This, along with its high androgenic properties, makes the muscle produced by this drug very hard and defined.

Trenbolone Enanthate first got its reputation when it was used in the legendary steroid, Parabolan. Users of this drug often noted dramatic results that were nothing short of amazing, and after it was unfortunately discontinued, the remembered effects of the substance gave it cult like status and the market was flooded with bunk Parabolan amps by those looking to profit off the extreme popularity and fan base that this steriod's incredible results had sparked.

Drostanolone Enanthate, is most commonly used by bodybuilders who are in the "cutting" phase of their training and dieting. While only mildly anabolic, Drostanolone Enanthate extremely androgenic and because of this, brings about a very pronounced amount of hardness and definition to the muscles. On top of this, Drostanolone Enanthate is also noted as being an effective estrogen blocker, and also binds to SHBG, making it possible for other steroids being used to bind more easily to their respective receptors, thus making their presence in the body much more effective. These effects are also noted by bodybuilders who choose to use the oral preparation of Masteron, Proviron.

Bodybuilders looking to incorporate Drostanolone Enanthate into a cycle might stack it with other steroids such as Trenbolones, Testosterone propionate, and oral compounds such as Stanozolol or Halotestin to bring about an even more pronounced amount of definition and hardness leading up to a contest.

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